About Us


Metropolitan City College provides professional and self-improvement courses on various fields to suit all people of different age and backgrounds.  Our courses are designed to be delivered either on Classroom  or Correspondence/Distance Learning basis thereby providing a high degree of flexibility to suit your lifestyle.  You can choose  one  of our courses to study at your convenience by distance learning or attend classes for just two days a week in the evenings.

Metropolitan City College is relatively new, meaning that our students are at the topmost priority on the list of everything. Our study centre is set in a vibrant and magnificent building located in the heart of London.
Our study materials have been carefully  designed for our students and dedicated team of student advisors and tutors are waiting to welcome you to college and work with you through every stages of your learning experience with us.

Metropolitan City College (an academic bridge) is a feeder college. We train and educate professionals in several social science disciplines giving them a solid starting point to progress into third and fourth level academic years.


Carol is the general admin of Metropolitan City College.  She is an Early Years Practitioner,  Book publisher/Published Author and a serial enterpreneur.

FRANK AZAMS Director of Studies

As  proprietor, and  Director  of  sturdies, Frank  Azams, has  vast experience  in  educational  sector. He  leads, team  of  Tutor’s, to educate  prospective  Global  Students.

Within 12 months, our students undergo intensive studies in four core Social Science modules. As they get a foothold of these modules, they are strong enough at this stage to sit a test/exam in their country. Metropolitan City College (through their mechanism and contacts), will supervise the exam, in any country of the world.

For those who pass the exam, they will be awarded a diploma, and those that have failed will go through an exam repeat process, and eventually end up passing their exam and receive their diploma accordingly.

Good news is that Metropolitan City College UK is aligned with and partnered with several United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland universities of higher learning, for which reason we have in our website, at the following; -BA-BSc-LLb-Ma-MSc-Phd spread across most educational disciplines for our students, who decide to make progress, educationally. These students will have the advantage to make their choice, as to what they will choose to study, starting from the first degree  (BA/BSc/LLB)-either a university of the United Kingdom, or the Republic of Ireland.

Good news again-when you shortlist from the lot, we secure you with a letter of offer, or an admission letter. As you pay your school fees for the first university degree year, we shall get all your necessary documents to enable you to go to either the British or Irish embassy in your country of origin. At this point, your faith is with the embassy and not with us.

However, we remain positive that you will have a smooth sail in this case. You will avail of the following advantages with the organisation and control of the management of Metropolitan City College:

  • Legal department,
  • Account departments,
  • Accommodation department, and,
  • Counselling department/advice department.

In whichever of them that fits in with your circumstance, we shall be there to help for a fee. We can also arrange your accommodation and if you decide, can also take you on a tour of either of these countries.

Finally, we want that in eight years of schooling, some of our students would have earned their BA, Masters and Phd and other degrees.

Mission Statement

To be a Center of Excellence in delivery of distance/classroom learning in adult education and related fields of studies.

Core Values

  • Pride of Achievement
  • Sharing Success
  • The Courage to Be

Our Vision

  • To be a college with a strong culture of quality, leadership , diversity with a focus on sound academic standards, continuous improvement and the talent development of students and staff.
  • To offer a learning experience that enhances  career development, lifetime values and personal fulfilment.
  • To share our success with the stakeholders and community we serve.