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    Fees for any of the above are £2599.00.

    The courses study duration are 10-12 months, with an end of year exam, leading to being awarded a level six diploma.

    Do you agree that if the college approves of your scholarship, that your photograph will appear on the college website, if you please

    Yes (will help your application)No (will cancel your application)

    I hereby certify, agree and authorise Metropolitan City College with the power to seek for donors from anywhere in the world, whoever will be interested to pay my fee for any of the Level 6 diplomas I chose within this 1 year of study.I promise to be serious with my studies and sit my final exams within this one year of studies.I promise to comply with the rules and regulations of the college.I promise to send in a thank you letter to the college, when I receive my first lectures accordingly, and will submit my assignments within the college’s stipulated time.

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